Important Laptop Accessories

  1. External hard drive I have an external hard drive with a 160 gigabyte capacity. I actually forgot what its rpm is but I'm confident that it's one of the fastest models currently in the market. I use it mainly to back up my important files and any work that I am doing. It gives me the peace of mind that I need – should anything bad happen to my laptop, all my files are neatly stored in a separate drive. Plus, I do not like to maximize my laptop's hard disk. That's because in the long run it will cause my laptop to run slower than usual.
  2. Optical mouse My laptop's built in track pad works fine but sometimes my hand yearns for the feel of an actual mouse. This is especially handy whenever I do some graphic work and I have to open up my Photoshop program. Just try creating paths using your track pad and you'll know what I mean.
  3. Laptop bag No laptop should be without one. That is my rule and I spread that rule to my fellow laptop users. A laptop can easily get scratched when it's bumped or heaven forbid, dropped. A laptop bag will help cushion the blow as well as make it easier for you to carry around. Plus a nice bag can be a fashion statement as well.
  4. Skin I put a beautiful skin on my laptop's cover. It's a picturesque beach scape of an island somewhere in the tropics. The picture is warm, relaxing and inviting. And I've seen a lot of people (women mostly) who look at my laptop because of that skin.
  5. Portable printer I actually have a portable printer that I always put in my car just in case I need to print out something while I'm outside. And it did prove very handy a few times when I had to print some spreadsheets for clients who suddenly asked me for another hard copy.

These are just a few of my laptop accessories. There are more out there and I'm sure you can find something that will make your life a lot easier.

Source by L Perez

The post Important Laptop Accessories appeared first on Igot Apps.



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