How to Create a Christian Music List For Worship

In this article I want to reveal some basic insights into how to form a music list for a Christian worship service. I will cover these five phases. Starting with the first phase where you will pray for direction. Next you will want to seek advice from with the pastor. Then you will need to locate the songs that reinforce the message. Once you have the songs you will need to arrange them in an organized list. Finally, you will then consolidate the list and firm up the results. Let's start with the first phase.

First you need to seek God's direction and guidance. When you are given the task of picking song for a worship service, it's a good idea to pray. Let the Holy Spirit show you what to do. Now that you have prayed, let's continue with the next phase.

You will want to talk to your pastor about the worship service. By doing this you will understand the direction the pastor is going. In your discussion find out what the theme of the message will be. If the theme is about "The Resurrection of Jesus", this will provide you with guidance as to what kind of songs to pick. In this case you want to find songs that deal with the theme of "Resurrection." Also, you will also want to know about any unique Bible versa that will be used in the message. By knowing what Bible versions are being used will assist you in finding the right songs. Use a song book that has Bible versus references in it. Sometimes you will find a Bible verse that fits verse or versa picked by the pastor. Also, the pastor may have a song in mind want included. Now that you have a good idea of ​​the message you need to find the right songs.

Use your music library to find songs. There are probably hundreds of hymnals and song books you can use to find songs appropriate the worship service. Another option to consider is using the Internet to locate your songs. Simply use your search engine of choice and begin browsing for songs. Now get a notepad and pencil to write down all the songs that fit the direction of the message.

Now that you know what the message theme is and you've picked several possible songs, you will need to narrow down your list of songs. In this phase you will want to form a worship flow. Here you need to use your musical experience to make sure that the songs fit well together. You will need to consider things like the key, tempo, similarity.

To start the worship service you will need to pick a song that will get the congregation's attention. This will most likely be an upbeat song. Once you have their attention you will need to bring a song that will help the congregation focus. Then once the congregation is focused on worship you can now present songs of praise, worship and celebration. Next the music can flow into the offering. Follow this with special music. The special music can be the most powerful moment in the service. It should reinforce and prepare the congregation for the message.

Now that you have prayed, consulted, searched, organized, it is time to finalize your song list. There you have it five steps to selecting songs for your church worship service.

Source by John Pape

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